
The Screenshot API allows you set defaults for how screenshots are captured during .screenshot and automatic screenshots taken during test failures. You can set defaults for the following:

  • Which parts of the screen to capture.
  • Whether to scale your application under test in the screenshot.
  • Whether to disable JavaScript timers and CSS animations when taking the screenshot.
  • Whether to automatically take screenshots when there are run failures.
  • Which, if any, elements to black out when taking the screenshot.
  • Whether to wait for the Command Log to synchronize before taking the screenshot.




options (Object)

An object containing one or more of the following:

blackout[]Array of string selectors used to match elements that should be blacked out when the screenshot is taken. Does not apply to runner captures.
capture'fullPage'Which parts of the Cypress App to capture. This value is ignored for element screenshot captures. Valid values are viewport, fullPage, or runner. When viewport, your application under test is captured in the current viewport. When fullPage, your application under test is captured in its entirety from top to bottom. When runner, the entire browser viewport, including the Cypress Command Log, is captured. For screenshots automatically taken on test failure, capture is always coerced to runner.
disableTimersAndAnimationstrueWhen true, prevents JavaScript timers (setTimeout, setInterval, etc) and CSS animations from running while the screenshot is taken.
scalefalseWhether to scale the app to fit into the browser viewport. This is always coerced to true for runner captures.
screenshotOnRunFailuretrueWhen true, automatically takes a screenshot when there is a failure during cypress run.
overwritefalseWhether to overwrite duplicate screenshot files with the same file name when saving.
onBeforeScreenshotnullA callback before a (non-failure) screenshot is taken. For an element capture, the argument is the element being captured. For other screenshots, the argument is the $el.
onAfterScreenshotnullA callback after a (non-failure) screenshot is taken. For an element capture, the first argument is the element being captured. For other screenshots, the first argument is the $el. The second argument is properties concerning the screenshot, including the path it was saved to and the dimensions of the saved screenshot.


Blackout elements before screenshot

Elements that match the specified selectors will be blacked out from the screenshot, but only when the capture option is viewport. blackout is ignored if capture option is runner.

  blackout: ['.secret-info', '[data-hide=true]'],

Take a screenshot of the entire Cypress App

By default, cy.screenshot() only captures your application under test. You may want it to capture the entire Cypress App for debugging purposes.

  capture: 'runner',

Allow timers and animations to keep running

By default, JavaScript timers and CSS animations are disabled to try to prevent changes to your application under test while the screenshot is taken, but you can turn off this behavior.

  disableTimersAndAnimations: false,

Disable screenshots on run failures

By default, Cypress automatically takes a screenshot when there is a failure when running cypress run, but you can disable this.

  screenshotOnRunFailure: false,

Overwrite existing screenshots

By default, Cypress saves unique screenshot files for every screenshot that is taken within the same test. You can choose to overwrite existing screenshots with the same file name using the overwrite option.

  overwrite: true,

Scale viewport and fullPage captures

By default, scaling the application under test is turned off during when the capture option is viewport to prevent differences between screenshots on screens with different resolutions. You can turn scaling on and have your app scaled like it is during normal use of Cypress. This is always coerced to true if the capture option is runner.

  scale: true,

Change the DOM using onBeforeScreenshot and onAfterScreenshot

The onBeforeScreenshot and onAfterScreenshot callbacks provide an opportunity to synchronously change the DOM to create a more consistent state for the screenshot.

In this example, imagine there is a clock in your app showing the current time. This can cause screenshots to be non-deterministic, which could create false negatives when screenshot diffing. You can use onBeforeScreenshot to hide the clock and then show it again with onAfterScreenshot.

  onBeforeScreenshot($el) {
    const $clock = $el.find('.clock')

    if ($clock) {

  onAfterScreenshot($el, props) {
    const $clock = $el.find('.clock')

    if ($clock) {

Get properties from the onAfterScreenshot callback

  onAfterScreenshot($el, props) {
    // props has information about the screenshot,
    // including but not limited to the following:
    // {
    //   path: '/Users/janelane/project/screenshots/my-screenshot.png',
    //   size: '15 kb',
    //   dimensions: {
    //     width: 1000,
    //     height: 660,
    //   },
    //   scaled: true,
    //   blackout: ['.foo'],
    //   duration: 2300,
    // }


Where to put screenshot configuration

A great place to put this configuration is in your cypress/support/index.js file, since it is loaded before any test files are evaluated.


8.7.0Added overwrite configuration option.

See also